Bus Priority Scheme (Queen Elizabeth Hospital)

Bus Priority Scheme (Queen Elizabeth Hospital)

Fitzgerald were appointed to deliver a vitally important bus priority highways scheme involving the introduction of a new bus lane along New Fosse Way and Hospital Lane to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Selly Oak. The scope of works was wide ranging and included carriageway widening into the existing footway, footway widening into the existing verge, installation of two toucan crossings, construction of a concrete slab to protect existing utilities and relocation of street lighting, installation of new fencing and localised drainage works.

Our team undertook night-time working to mitigate traffic congestion during the daytime and restrictive noisy activities such as use of breakers etc. between 00:00 and 06:00 due to close proximity of hospital wards. The Fitzgerald in-house Planning and Estimating team carried out design development and review workshops with our client West Midlands Combined Authority to identify site constraints, identify risks, create efficiencies in the programme and provide cost certainty. Key measures undertaken within the Early Contractor Involvement period included development of detailed bespoke construction phasing plans; development of detailed traffic and pedestrian management plans; development of a detailed and realistic construction delivery programme; the early identification of site compound locations and defined material distribution strategies at each site location.

Of particular importance was early liaison with individual stakeholders together with other interested and affected parties including Queen Elizabeth Hospital Trust Estates Dept, Birmingham City Council, Transport for West Midlands and local business communities through the Chamber of Commerce.

The team set up early integration of specialist supply chain partners to highlight potential design and delivery issues (i.e. Traffic signals (Siemens Traffic Controls Ltd) to ensure that the proposed design was fully integrated with Birmingham City Council’s design.

Compilation of a detailed advance utility investigation strategy was beneficial to physically investigate the location and depth of both known and uncharted services and incorporate the information obtained into the design. This resulted in the development of a comprehensive delivery programme together with a reduction in client expenditure of existing utility service protection and diversion works.


  • Highways Construction
  • Highways Improvement