S278 Works, Paddox Junction Improvements
Fitzgerald successfully completed a Section 278 offsite junction improvement scheme at Hilmorton in Rugby, Warwickshire. The works to provide new signalling along the A428 between Ashlawn Road and Hillmorton Road were delivered over a 7-week period in a live environment and utilised temporary traffic diversions and night-time working to safely complete the scheme.
Our contract is a key part of Warwickshire County Council’s Casualty Reduction Programme and as part of the the junction upgrade our team carried out kerb line adjustments together with the relocation of existing pedestrian crossing points and removal of the existing pedestrian splitter island.
Works included the permanent reinstatement of a service trench crossing and existing speed humps together with a new carriageway, provision of traffic signs and street lighting. Final surfacing, road markings and traffic signal loop cutting was undertaken at night to mitigate disruption during peak hours.
Key challenges of project delivery were the presence of a high voltage cable in the existing footway and proposed trench reinstatement area whilst the location of the works presented constraints for access and storage of materials.
Safety critical challenges included ensuring the safety of workers and the general public and ensuring sufficient levels of illumination on the carriageway and footway. Our preconstruction planning developed a bespoke methodology and construction programme to complete the works.
- Highways Construction
- Highways Improvement