Fitzgerald announce a new partnership with Balanced Energy
As part of our commitment to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from our activities the company are pleased to announce a key partnership with Balanced Energy. Fitzgerald have completed the first stage of our journey by measuring the greenhouse gas emissions coming directly and indirectly by Fitzgerald for our baseline year of March 2019/20.
Our carbon footprint has been measured and certified by the Institute of Environmental Management Assessment (IEMA) and a carbon footprint and impact report has been generated which follows the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, which has been accredited and verified by the future Net Zero Standard.
Fitzgerald Managing Director Nick Coley said: ‘The carbon footprint and impact report has enabled us to establish a carbon reduction plan in line with science based targets and meets the UK Governments PPN-0621 requirements for a carbon reduction plan when tendering for public contracts. This baseline report, along with the support of Balanced Energy, has underpinned the creation of a robust company sustainability policy and Net Zero roadmap. This will deliver a costed, target led timeline of the decarbonisation of the company which can be shared with all stakeholders to evidence Fitzgerald’s commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions’.
We have identified two boundaries to Fitzgerald’s net zero roadmap. Boundary 1 contains the measurement of scope 1, 2 & 3 baseline emissions generated from Fitzgerald’s company owned facilities in Birmingham. Boundary 2 contains the lifecycle emissions resulting from the projects that Fitzgerald undertake.
As part of our commitment, we have signed up to the ‘Race to Zero Pledge’ and as a signatory member of the Network Net Zero Community we commit to the following:
- For our company to achieve Net Zero in line with the science-based targets set out by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to achieve Net Zero no later than 2050 and target a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030
- To set realistic short and long-term targets that are designed to achieve our Net Zero commitments
- To report the total greenhouse gas emissions of our business regularly and for our performance to be part of the community’s annual reporting back to the UNFCCC. The report has been externally accredited and verified by the future Net Zero Standard