A452 Europa Way Warwickshire Highways Construction
Warwickshire County Council awarded Fitzgerald Contractors a key highways improvement scheme on the A452 Europa Way corridor which is a key route between the M40, Leamington Spa and Warwick. The route is currently operating at capacity with heavy congestion at peak times whilst the transport corridor will experience greater pressure on the network in future due to new job creation and house building.
The contract was procured by the County Council as part of a single action tender process that was negotiated with developer Gallagher Estates who are funding the scheme. The scope of works consists of the construction of a signal controlled junction on A452 Europa Way to provide accesses into proposed and separate residential developments to the east and west. The scheme comprises of:
- Carriageway widening of approximately 450m of the existing A452 Europa Way
- A new 4-way signalised junction
- Amendment of the channel line of the Europa Way/Gallows Hill/ Harbury Lane roundabout
- Installation of traffic signal equipment, street lighting, signage and drainage
- Shared footways/ cycleways between the two developments and associated toucan crossings
- Construction of three highway ponds and access tracks with headwall outfalls to an adjacent watercourse
- Extension of an existing culvert including works to tie in to the existing watercourse channel
- Diversion of utilities and provision of new services for the adjacent proposed sites
The work will result in improved traffic flows and reduced journey times, whilst there will be a network of sustainable transport infrastructure and a choice of alternative forms of travel.
- Highways Construction
- Housing Infrastructure