A47 Hinckley Road Bridge Demolition
Fitzgerald have delivered a complex bridge demolition project in Nuneaton on behalf of Warwickshire County Council as part of the Council’s Casualty Reduction Programme. Bridge No. 40, which traverses the main A47 Hinckley Road in Nuneaton had been subject to numerous incidents in recent years and comprised of brick piers and abutments with steel plate beams and concrete traverse planks.
The works entailed the demolition of the existing railway bridge and removal of approx. 1100m³ of surplus material to the rear of the existing abutments and existing trees and scrub. Additional works included the localised repair to 2 No. sections of the existing brick retaining walls, associated low bridge signage, fencing and the permanent reinstatement of the existing footway where the brick piers were located.
During the preconstruction period Fitzgerald worked closely with Warwickshire County Council, National Grid and our specialist bridge demolition supply chain partner to develop a safe and efficient method of deconstruction to carefully dismantle the existing bridge, this was especially critical due to the close proximity of the existing gas service infrastructure and domestic properties. A detailed traffic and pedestrian diversion route was developed to minimise the impact of the works upon the local community and commuters using the busy arterial route through Nuneaton.
As part of the works Fitzgerald undertook pre and post demolition structural surveys of the domestic properties immediately adjacent to the works, together with advance soils classification and slope stability testing, alongside advance ecological survey which were undertaken to determine the presence of bats.
As the bridge demolition and associated earthworks were completed within 3 No. weekend closures, this negated the necessity for localised carriageway closures to complete the earthworks to the rear of the former bridge abutments. The working window was particularly constrained as the existing carriageway required the placement and removal of a temporary timber crash deck together with an in-situ temporary retaining wall to protect the existing brick retaining walls prior to the commencement of demolition works. All works were successfully completed with an excellent safety record and we are pleased to have undertaken the contract without any complaints from local residents, businesses or visitors.