Pensnett High Street Highway Improvements
Fitzgerald Contractors have completed a major highway improvement scheme for Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council with the key aim of the highways improvement project to reduce delays and congestion, improve road safety and increase capacity at junction approaches. The programming of works was focussed upon the requirement to firstly coordinate and divert existing utility services, which resulted in Fitzgerald coordinating all utility providers, to ensure minimal disruption or delay to the works.
The area has historically experienced high traffic volumes through this local centre, the works were carried out in a live environment with up to 30,000 vehicles using the High Street every day, and so overcoming the logistical and engineering challenges was vital. Key to the successful planning of the works was carrying out as much works offline as possible, and introduced 3-way temporary traffic signals as well as 1-way signals. Our planning brought significant de-risking of the project duration through the decision to carry out highways works concurrently alongside the relocation of existing statutory utilities. Essentially, work activities were brought forward in the programme to minimise the finishing phase which had the most disruptive aspects.
- Highways Improvement
- Highways Structures
- Housing Infrastructure